
Welcome to our homepage! Budhooma development initiatives.

This was established in 2015 with the aim of improving lives of people in Budhooma village through Ensuring That People Budhooma Get Access To Fresh Clean Safe Drinking Water.


To be the leading CBO in providing safe and clean drinking water in budhooma.


Safe water safe lives.


Safe water to the climax.

Safe water for everyone.


P. O. BOX 1232,
Budhooma village, Nalinaibi Ward
Busedde S/c, Butembe constituency, Jinja district
Mbatya complex,
Budhooma Rise (Av).

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Unsafe water

In Uganda the challenges of unsafe drinking water is complex to solve despite the fact that the national water and environment is trying to crack it. However,the time they will come to about 45% of combating it many ugandans will have suffered severe cholera, dysentery cases etc for a long time. As a developing third … Continue reading Unsafe water

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